Saturday, October 29, 2011

Avoiding the baby blues

This week in class we have discussed the transition into marriage. I truly enjoyed today's discussion about avoiding the baby blues. Our focus was geared towards the fathers and how we as wives can make them feel a part of our pregnancy. It is extremely important that we establish a strong relationship as husband and wife before we bring children into our family unit. No matter how many children you have together its vital to keep nourishing your relationship with your husband as you continue to strengthen the eternal unit. Is our focus to build a celestial marriage or just a relationship?
Somethings we can help our husbands with during pregnancy is to invite them to our doctors appointments. We should schedule our doctors appointments around our husbands schedule in order for him to be able to attend. Do all you can to make him feel a part. When the baby kicks, take your husband's hand and place it on your stomach so that he can feel the kicking. Talk to your husband about what you are experiencing and what are you feeling. Ask him what and how he is feeling. It is important that the father is in the delivery room while the baby is being born. The father can have the amazing experience of cutting the umbilical cord. Also, it is extremely vital that the father and mother have a one on one time with each other after delivery with their new baby. This is such a sacred experience and should be cherished with great respect. When you have a baby shower you should have your husband come as he is an important factor in your baby's life. You are both parents to this baby. After the baby is born, let your husband change diapers and help feed the baby as well. Don't be critical of how he does things. He might not do things like you do or what you think is perfect by he needs to help with the baby. To help nourish your relationship, it is important that you continue to go on dates after the child is born. Building a strong unit takes a great deal of time and effort. Husband and wives need to continue to work on their relationship over the coming years. On a lasting thought by President David O. McKay directed towards fathers he states: “The best gift you can give your child is to love their mother”.

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